
Taboo of Koreans resident in Japan


Taboo of Koreans resident in Japan(動画 英文)

Korean Occupation Forces 
Soon after Japan was defeated in WWII, Korean residents in Japan referred to themselves as being part of the Korean Occupation Forces, even though there was never any battle between Japan and Korea, and they committed all kind of atrocities such as rapes, violence, plunders, sudden assaults on police stations and illegal occupancy of Japanese property. There were outbreaks of similar acts in Korea.

2,000 members of the so-called Korean Occupation Forces attacked the Prime Ministers official residence in 1946. They were fully armed when they broke in. Japanese police requested help from the U.S. army, as the Japanese police were prohibited to possess guns at the time. Intense crossfire took place. Attacks on police officers were not rare occurrences at the time; for example during the Tomizaka Police attack, Koreans attacked police officers in order to break out prisoners. During the Shibuya Police office incident a policeman was killed. At the Taira incident a siege was conducted outside the police station. 
30,000 Koreans stole impounded Japanese army uniforms and arms, before committing violent acts in most major cities, killing Japanese citizen indiscriminately. According to GHQ record, more than 4,000 Japanese were slain. 

Without effective law and order after WWII Korean Forces acted violently. They fluently pillaged harvests, livestock, goods wagons, supermarkets and public storage utilities, stealing the goods and selling them on the black market for great profit as food and goods shortages were common at the time. They picked fights with passersby, skipped on restaurant bills, and committed rapes in broad daylight. The ordinary residents were seized with fear. 

Without firearms police were sometimes unable to prevent offences. Perpetrators would say, We are the victorious nation. The defeated nation cannot do anything to us! and use violence on the policemen. One policeman who issued a warning was ganged up on by many Koreans, stripped and violated by having a nightstick inserted into his anus. 

Koreans mainly controlled Ginza, Asakusa and Shinjuku. Taiwanese mainly controlled Shinbashi and Shibuya. The Government and police were distressed but struggled to act because of extraterritoriality. The US army was officially allowed to take goods from any store. Many luxury stores such as Shirakiya, a chain department store, and Seiko, a watch company, were victims. Koreans took advantage of the situation, claiming We are victorious nation. We are Korean Occupation Forces; accruing much money from steeling goods and selling them on the black market. 

Only woman, children and old people were left in town as most Japanese men were on the battlefield at the time. Therefore the Koreans did whatever they wanted. They took the best commercial districts in town through surprise attack. Needless to say, they raped the woman who lived there, banishing them and occupying their land. When the Japanese began to take a dislike to them, then changed their names to Japanese ones in order to deny their origin.

For these reasons, they could occupy the most affluent areas and public places, setting up pachinko parlors, pubs and brothels in front of major public transport stations, registering the occupied property in their names. 

Today 80% of pachinko parlors are Korean owned. It is said that the pachinko industry is worth three million yen annually, larger than the car industry. Owners often evade tax and send the money to the North Korea illegally. This is inexpedient for Japan. In fact, Kim Yong-il said We have nothing to worry about as long as pachinko parlors are in Japan. The reason why owners could behave like this and still do is because the police and politicians are bribed. 

By 1950, martial law was finally proclaimed as the Koreans violence escalated extensively throughout Japan. The excuse they claimed was that General Douglas MacArthur closed down Korean organizations and schools when the GHQ left Japan. This wide-scale riot was not recorded in Japanese history. Even though martial law was declared, some Japanese were still murdered. The scene was similar to a battlefield in Tochigi or Asakusa. 

However, these events are recorded in Korean school text books. They promote this as a great victory against the Japanese in protesting against racism and protecting Korean schools. 

Douglas MacArthur said Korea is not a victorious nation, just a third party (Sangokujin). Although Korean resident in Japan often claim Sangokujin is a racist phrase, it is not racist at all. In fact, most Japanese believe that Sangokujin is not an appropriate word for them. 

The Korean Occupation Forces created the Yakuza and Chongryon, the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan, as the manager or controller of Korean organizations. Some members have entered politics under the communist party. 

After GHQ left, the Koreans allied themselves with communism and forged history using money and intimidation over the Japanese mass media. They spread propaganda such as, we were forcibly taken. Our land was robbed by Japanese. We have been discriminated against. For this reason, the young Japanese generations, who are unaware of the Korean Occupation Force, have begun to have misplaced feelings of guilt for them. 

A lot of Koreans have successfully infiltrated TV and newspaper companies. The pachinko industry pays large sums of money to TV Company for favorable publicity. Today, the Japanese mass media is not trustworthy, but the facts can be uncovered through research.