
"The 228 Massacre” and "Nanking Massacre"

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”The 228 Massacre” and ”Nanking Massacre”


The 228 Massacre was an anti-government uprising in Taiwan that began on February 27, 1947 and was violently suppressed by the ROC Kuomintang (KMT) government. Before the 228 massacre was broke out, the mood of the crowd, which had already been harboring many feelings of frustration from KMT rule, reached breaking point. The ROC garrison troops who came from mainland China were highly undisciplined, looting, stealing, and contributing to the overall breakdown of infrastructure and public services.


Estimates of the number of deaths vary from ten thousand to thirty thousand or more. According to the New York Times on March 29, 1947, an American said, “Troops from China arrived at Taiwan on March 7 and indulged in three days of indiscriminate killing and looting. For a time everyone seen on the streets was shot at, homes were broken into and occupants killed. In the poorer sections the streets were said to have been littered with dead.


There were instances of beheadings and mutilation of bodies, and women were raped.” This is the Chinese inherent characteristics. The Nanking Massacre might have been have caused by KMT soldiers. In fact, R.J Rummel claims that Chinese peasants often had no less to fear from their own soldiers than they did from the Japanese. Moreover, KMT soldiers in the Nanking castle in their mad rush to discard their military uniforms and put on civilian clothes. 


In a number of incidents, killed civilians to obtain their clothing in Nanking city in 1937 before the Japanese troops entered to the Nanking castle. James Espy, the vice American Council at Nanking, reported to the American Embassy. 


■Go back to the 228 massacre story, Chen Yi, the ROC authorities, had jailed or killed all the leading Taiwanese organizers he could identify and catch. His troops executed between 3,000 and 4,000 people

話を228事件に戻そう。Chen Yiは台湾で強奪やレイプを働いた軍の指揮官だった。彼は台湾関係機関により発見され、投獄されるか、死刑に処せられるかという立場だった。彼の部隊は3000人から4000人もの人間を殺した。

Chen Yi was later quoted by TIME magazine in April 7, 1947 as saying: "It took the Japs 51 years to dominate this island. I expect to take about five years to re-educate the people so they will be happier with Chinese administration." This fact shows they were mind controlled by the Chinese government?


The Nanking Massacre was a fake story. In fact, Chinese school kids have learned anti-Japanese education.
