
Niinamesai 新嘗祭

Japan has been celebrating a fall harvest with an ancient Shinto ceremony called Niinamesai, which literally means “the festival of new crops.” Japan was historically known as Mizuho no Kuni, the land of golden ears of rice. Niinamesai is one of the most important rituals of the country in which the Emperor on behalf of the people makes the season’s first offering to the gods and gives thanks for the harvest. Niinamesai was once celebrated in every farming and fishing village where people dedicate the year’s harvest to the shrines in each region. In other words, it was a major national event for both the Emperor and people to share the joy of harvest bestowed by the gods. With respect for the original significance of Niinamesai, we hope to renew our appreciation for food and spread the spirit of this celebration to as many people as possible. 
Author: Norio Tao


The meaning of the festival of rice harvest in Japan(Niinamesai新嘗祭) 
Nov.25,2012 Professor Hitoshi NITTA Kohgakukan University 

1 The festival of rice harvest in Japan and Way of Deities 

The festival of rice harvest in Japan is called Niinameai(新嘗祭). Niinamesai is a Shinto ritual to offer newly cropped rice to the deities, and to express deep gratitude to them. In the Imperial Palace, the Emperor conducts Niinameai by himself, as the Shinto Priest. He celebrates the harvest of rice on behalf of the Japanese and thanks to Amaterasu-ōmikami (天照大神 the Sun Goddess, Ruler of Heaven, and Ancestor of Emperor) who made the harvest possible. 

Following the Emperor, people all over Japan celebrate Niinamesai in local shrines. We pay tribute to deities that have bestowed the year’s crops. 

2 The Japanese Myth 

Japanese indigenous religion is called Shinto. Japanese ancestors had acknowledged spiritual beings(Kami 神) in all things of nature, like mountains and livers. In the Japanese mythology, the central figure of numerous deities is Amaterasu-ōmikami. Amaterasu-ōmikami bestowed rice to her grand-son Ninigi-no-mikoto(ニニギノ尊) in order to sustain people’ life. Ninigi-no-mikoto descended from Heaven to earth. For Japanese, rice is not just staple food because each grain of rice contains life of Amaterasu-ōmikami. Rice represents the spiritual bond connecting people and deities of Heaven. The essence of this Shinto ceremonial festival of rice harvest is ritualization of having meals. Through this, Japanese communicate with deities and express gratitude. 

The Emperor celebrates the festival of rice harvest, or Niinamesai every autumn. After the new Emperor is enthroned, he conducts Niinamesai. This first Niinamesai is in particular called Daijōsai(大嘗祭). Daijōsai is the most important among all imperial rituals. In Daijōsai, first the Emperor offers the newly harvested rice to Amaterasu-ōmikami. Then, he consumes the offered sacred rice. Through this ritual, the new Emperor is united with Amaterasu-ōmikami, which makes him qualified to succeed the throne and to become the great Shinto priest. 

3 Japan : One Civilization, One Dynasty 

This year, 2012, marks the 1,300th anniversary since the compilation of Kojoki(古事記 Record of Ancient Matters). Japanese mythology and legends are included in Kojiki Japan has one independent civilization, which is different from Western and Chinese civilization. The most famous Chinese ancient chronicle(史記 Siki,87B.C.) begins with the history of the first emperor. In contrast, Kojiki starts with the chapter intentionally describing the stories of deities. The reason behind this is that at that time the imperial court aimed to establish distinct civilization from Chinese civilization. 

As a result, Japan has maintained a single dynasty throughout the history of more than two thousand years, while the world has been witnessing innumerable dynasties’ processes of prospering and declining. In terms of existence of the unbroken imperial line, one certainly can see the uniqueness of the Japanese civilization. 

The Japanese myth is alive and practiced still now. The current Emperor is considered to be a descendent of Amaterasu-ōmikami. 

As an example of comparison, ruins of ancient civilization are found in Greece. Nonetheless, no rituals dedicated to gods of Greek mythology are performed any more. Greek is now a country of Christianity. You cannot find descendant of Agamemunon, presumed great-grandson of Zeus, the central figure of the Greek myth. 

4 Ise Grand Shrines and Eternity 

Ise Grand Shrines in Mie Prefecture are the most revered and important Shinto Shrines in Japan where Amaterasu-ōmikami is enshrined. When her grandson descended from Heaven to earth with sacred rice, he also brought the holy mirror (八咫鏡 Yata-no-Kagami) that Amaterasu-ōmikami had given to him. 

This holy mirror kept in Ise Grand Shrines is worshiped as the divine body representing Amaterasu-ōmikami. The grand rite of reconstruction is conducted in Ise Grand Shrines every twenty years(式年遷宮 Sikinen-sengū). This rite was initiated in 688A.D. Hōryūji Temple(法隆寺) in Nara Prefecture is well known as the most ancient wooden architecture in the world. Hōryūji was built in 607A.D. This means that despite the ability of building lasting architecture, the ancient Japanese intentionally chose to rebuild Ise Grand Shrines every twenty years. Europeans constructed their ancient shrines and temples with stones; thus, they were durable. That is one way to reach eternity. Japanese selected a different way to reach eternity. Through the traditional way of rebuilding Ise Grand Shrines every twenty years, Japanese intended to maintain ancient skills, forms, and faith forever. 

5 The Meaning of the festival of rice harvest or Niinamesai in Japan As aforesaid, eating is not just a physical activity, but also a spiritual one. Traditionally, before eating, Japanese say “Itadakimasu(いただきます)”, which means gratitude for being given life of deities. Unfortunately, these days people tend to lose true meaning of having meal. Deities bestowed us food as their sacred gift, and they allow us to live. We should be grateful for blessings of the deities. Hence, today, it is necessary to re-recognize the meaning of the festival of rice harvest in Japan. 
Author: Hitoshi Nitta




Kyodo-Press made up their fantasy

Japan's Minister of Finance(and also DeputyPrime Minister)Taro Aso has mentioned on changing the japanese constitution on July 29th 2013.


He lectured that Nazi has rised under the rule of Weimar Constitution(one of the most democratic constitution of that time) and changed the constitution legaly.Aso also said that japan should not change the constitution in a fanatic atmosphere.He said that we have to learn from the history and should not follow the way Nazi has done. 


But the japanese media(Kyodo-Press) anounced to the world as if Aso said"We have to learn from the history and follw the way Natis has done."


Every media has their own perspectives to announce news,but this announcement by the Kyodo-Press is completely reversed from what Aso has mentioned.Kyodo-Press is known to be against Abe's cabinet,but this is too much.Kyodo-Press's faked announcement hurt many of the Jewish people and made them angry at Aso as Kyodo planned.This act of Kyodo is a challenge to the rule of fare journalism.


 Read for yourself what Aso has mentioned.The english translation below is a summary(since it is so long)and if you don't trust my english translation, you may ask someone who could understand japanese and let him(or her)translate to you.You can tell that his word"follow the way Nazi has done"was an irony to the media that are always roaring and spoling Abe and Aso's discussion.

You can tell how Kyodo-Press made up their fantasy.






2013年8月1日2時18分 朝日新聞















Two Special Places for Koreans 2012

This territorial dispute between Japan and South Korea over Takeshima is quite simple. 

1. There is no historical fact that Korea had ever exercised any "effective control" over the islets prior to 1905. 

2. Japan officially incorporated the islets in 1905 strictly following the procedures prescribed in the International law. 

3. After the WW2, the Allies determined that Takeshima/Dokdo should remain Japanese territory in the San Francisco Peace Treaty in 1951. 

4. Though the South Korean government had been informed of the determination by the U.S. government in those diplomatic documents like "Rusk documents", they ignored this international determination and started occupying the islets illegally from 1952.


1. 1905年以前に韓国・朝鮮が竹島を実効支配した歴史的事実は存在しません。(竹島を描いた地図すら存在しない。)

2. 1905年の日本による竹島編入は国際法の手続きに完全に合致しています。

3. 第二次大戦後、1951年サンフランシスコ講和条約にて、連合国は竹島を日本領としてとどめる決定をしました。

4. この国際的な決定はラスク文書等の外交文書により、合衆国政府から韓国政府に告知されましたが、韓国はこの決定を無視して、1952年李承晩ラインを一方的に引き、竹島の 不法占拠を続けています。

~Takeshima is Japanese Territory. ~


50 years after would, in China's thinking.

This map shows the 50 years after would, in China's thinking. 

The Japanese islands are geographically obstructive for China to go into the Pacific. 

The Map of the Pacific Ocean from the View of China Land.

The affair of "SENKAKU" are just starting of their invasion. 

Republic of China(RPC) targets are not only "SENKAKU" but Okinawa prefecture, as well. 

Finally, RPC aims to get whole the Japanese islands. 

In 1993, Li Peng, the Prime Mimister of China at that time, said "The nation of Japan will disappear after 20 years." in the talk with Paul John Keating, the Prime Mimister of Australia. 
1993年、当時の中国の首相 李鵬はオーストラリア のポール・キーティング首相と会談した際に「日本などという国は20年後には消えてなくなる」と発言している。

This is a map which was used in the "Against Japan Demonstration" in China. 
In this map, the whole Japanese islands were designated as a part of China.

There are many RPC's spies are in Japan, already. 

 Japanese media of information are already under the control of RPC, and are broadcasting the propaganda of the RPC. 

Most of Japanese are deceived by the media of information. 

The Japanese media urged many Japanese to vote the "Democratic Party of Japan(DPJ)". After that, DPgot political power. 

DPJ is the group of the communists, and is spy party of the RPC. 

Now, Japan is in very dangerous situation.  



The Senkaku Islands dispute

from: http://undertakerrach.gouketu.com/senkaku.html

Japan incorporated the islands under the administration of Okinawa. The Senkaku Islands dispute concerns a group of uninhabited islands which have been claimed by both the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China (Taiwan) since 1971. 



Suddenly, China was very interested in the Senkaku Islands and began insisting that the Islands belonged to China all along. 

■ The Senkaku islands were not inhabited up to 1895. After a decade of deliberations, the Japanese government had decided to annex the Senkaku Islands and placed them under administrative rule by the Okinawan government on January 14, 1895. At the time, no countries had voiced their objections to the Japanese government's decision to annex the Senkaku Islands under the Okinawa rule. 


 The geography textbooks, which had to be approved by the government, published in 1970 in Taiwan clearly showed the Senkaku Islands as a part of the Japanese territories. Then, these islands were placed under the control of the U.S. occupation forces following the Japan's surrender at the end of the WW II. In short, these islands have never been controlled by China up to present. 


 In addition as another indication of this fact, the former President of the Republic of China, Lee Teng-hui, was also quoted in the Taipei Times newspaper, dated Sept. 6, 2009, that he had always considered the islands as a part of Okinawa. Then why and when China had started claiming about the islands as their own? 


 It was after the UN investigation of the natural resources of the region, and their subsequent report of the findings of their investigation of the existence of abundant underground oil reservoir around Senkaku Islands in 1969. Suddenly, China was very interested in the Senkaku Islands and began insisting that the Islands belonged to China all along


 How can the Chinese government justify their actions to pursue the territorial rights over the Senkaku Islands completely disregarding all the historical facts of the region? If another country acted the same way like China has toward your country, how would you feel? In fact, China wants to control the East Turkistan too. Redundant China's hunger for its political and territorial control extends even to East Turkistan, where its people's struggles for independence from China continue to this day. 


 There stands a building within the East Turkistan territory constructed by the Chinese earlier, which China claims to have built it during the ancient Chinese Kingdom period. Therefore, the East Turkistan belonged to China. The idea of propping up some buildings within the East Turkistan borders and professing that China had controlled the region from the ancient times to be the truth, thereby claiming that East Turkistan belonged to the Chinese is preposterous. 


 However, a radiocarbon dating investigation has revealed that the same structure was constructed just 5 years ago, according to the President of the Japan Uyghur Association, Ilham Mahmut. Likewise, China's accusation of placing Japan at fault on the incidence of capturing of a Captain of a Chinese boat which occurred off shores of the Senkaku Islands on Sep. 7, 2010 has no merit.

しかしながら、炭素時代測定器の計算ではたかだか5年ほど前に作られたものだと判明した。この話は日本ウイグル協会会長であるIlham Mahmut氏が語ったものである。


The Washington Times By Bill Gertz September 15, 2010
Inside the Ring has obtained a classified Chinese map that is likely to further muddy Beijing's territorial claims. The 1969 map, produced by the People's Republic of China map authority and labeled "confidential," lists the islands as "Senkaku," the Japanese name, and contains a dividing line south of the islands indicating that they fall within Japanese territory.

2010年9月15日付けのワシントンタイムズ ビルゲイズ著 